Monday, July 15, 2013

Mental Map

I chose this picture to convey one of the ways a mental map may look depending on what you are trying to explain. I picked this image because to me when I think of a mental map I think of a drawn out map that can be made using a pencil, crayon, pen or even a stick drawn in sand. These types of maps have been used for centuries by people to draw out their own perception of an area or give “directions” to other locations. These types of maps can be something that we draw out for someone to get to a certain location based on how we remember getting there. Whether it may be a street, home, or landmark, you are drawing your own vision of that area. It is a sketch that you make and it can be as simple as a black and white sketch, or in this case, a detailed colored map. Mental maps can be used for giving directions to your house, drawing your state, or even your own personal vision of the United States. There is no wrong to mental maps, it is your own internal vision of what it is that you are trying to convey to another person.

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